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Thoughts on Time. What is that?

I have dared to talk about one of the most dreaded science and philosophical concepts: time.
Is time an illusion?
Is time just a concept we created to help us understand the succession of event?
Is there actually less time today than there was yesterday?
Does time actually pass by?
Are all of these just in our head?
Is our concept of time tied to our experience?
Does time pass for the dead?
If we lost our memory wouldn’t the past seem as elusive as the future seems to us now?
What is then?
What is now?
First of all we do not have time – whatever that is. We only have a period. Period? What is that?
It would mean a beginning and end point, cut out of time
I do not think the future exists yet.
Future? what is that?
This concept of time would seem as a continuum
How long do you exist in the present?
If time existed, one nano second ago would be the past which we cannot alter, one nano second ahead would be the future which is undecided.
If time existed, one billionth of a nano second ago would be the past which we cannot alter, one billionth of a nano second ahead would be the future which is undecided.
Do we move in time?
Are we static in time while it moves?
In either case what direction would the movement be?
And why is there a movement?
If everything happened at once not in succession, what difference would it make?
If time exists, at this point, does the past exist?

we understand Things happen in succession. If so what preceded the beginning? was there a beginning?
The only logical explanation to me would be time is infinite, no beginning no end.
We tend to mistake infinity as something finite but extremely large. This is wrong. Infinity is not finite. No end. You are not closer or farther. No end.
Does Infinity have a beginning?
I believe there an infinite (what do you use to describe infinity that is not intrinsically finite? Amount? Number? Magnitude?) ...lost. Rephrase there are infinite numbers between the natural numbers of 1 and 2.
1.1   , 1.2,1.3 etc are between 1 and 2
1.11 is between 1.1 and 1.2
1.111 is between 1.11 and 1.12
1.1111 is between 1.111 and 1.112
1.11111 is between 1.1111 and 1.1112
1.111111 is between 1.11111 and 1.11112
1.1111111 is between 1.111111 and 1.111112
1.11111111 is between 1.1111111 and 1.1111112
1.111111111 is between 1.11111111 and 1.11111112
1.1111111111 is between 1.111111111 and 1.111111112
1.11111111111 is between 1.1111111111 and 1.1111111112
1.111111111111 is between 1.11111111111 and 1.11111111112
1.1111111111111 is between 1.111111111111 and 1.111111111112
1.11111111111111 is between 1.1111111111111 and 1.1111111111112
You could go on forever and each of these are by their very nature numbers. You can never fill out the numbers between 1 and 2 in a book with a certain numbers of pages, only in a book with an infinite number of pages :) 
At this point I have headaches.
I seek to continue at another point in time. Time? What is that?
