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Thoughts on Freedom

He that conquers self, is he who is truly and indeed free.
I do not believe that the future exists yet. It exists to me as an infinite spectrum of possibilities. Maybe not infinite, but an incomprehensible magnitude of finite possibilities. Man is master and architect of his fate. Everything is possible, but seemingly poses some difficulty of different grades to some and different minds. The obstacle which exists only in the mind, clouds the mind from rightful thinking, into believing something is insurmountable.

I believe as a result of this mere fact that everything is possible and the future only exists now as a possibility, who you are at any point in time is incomparable to who you can become. Who you can be is always greater than who you are, be you the greatest king or lowliest peasant. This is quite depressing knowing that whatever we be there, is always an unimaginable presence or existence of our self we can be. Upon this realization I say be still my heart and be glad for this is the law of the universe that always has and always will be. But now I ask is there a need to attain more?
