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Thoughts on Happiness

"To give up in order to gain, than this there is no greater delusion, nor no more prolific source of misery; but to be willing to yield up and to suffer loss, this is indeed the Way of Life.
How is it possible to find real happiness by centering ourselves in those things which, by their very nature, must pass away? Abiding and real happiness can only be found by centering ourselves in that which is permanent.
Rise, therefore, above the clinging to and the craving for impermanent things, and you will then enter into a consciousness of the Eternal, and as, rising above self, and by growing more and more into the spirit of purity, self-sacrifice and universal Love, you become centered in that consciousness, you will realize that happiness which has no reaction, and which can never be taken from you.
The heart that has reached utter self-forgetfulness in its love for others has not only become possessed of the highest happiness but has entered into immortality, for it has realized the Divine."- James Allen
I think happiness is different from the good feelings you get when you are in a particular situation or performing a particular activity. Happiness to me would seem to be something that comes from within and not requiring external stimulus, it would seem to me as having peace within.
As such I do not think you need external events to make you happy. 
Happiness to me would seem to be achieved by
  • Not regretting: The past is gone forever. The only time the past should be looked at would be to learn from it. I seriously think the only people who should be legally allowed to have regrets are those who are working on a time machine, all others are out!
  • Not worrying: Worrying is a waste of intellectual power. To worry is to be troubled to give way to mental anxiety, to anticipate bad experiences. Forget it and concentrate on just carrying out actions that would help you get what you want.
  • Living in the present moment by appreciating things the little and big that exist now. It could be gone.  
  • Having little or no expectations from people because nobody owes you anything except those legally or by contract bound to pay what they owe.
  • Planning ahead and reviewing the consequences and implications of actions.
  • Not resenting anyone accepting them as they are. Even if you have different opinions or views, respect them and at least consider it.
  • Treat others as you want to be treated not more not less. Love others AS you love yourself. Help others also brings happiness to you
  • Not holding onto grudges. You do yourself more harm than you realize.
  • Less assumptions, and seeking clarification
  • There is no good or bad choice although there are relatively better choices. Once a choice is made based on knowledge and options you had it probably was the best. Move on from that onto better choices in the future.
